Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. It might take a while, depending on how much time and effort you put into your journey. It’s all about dedication and how much you want it. So make sure you follow the right dream!
Some of you may already know that I decided to take a u-turn earlier this year. I went from being a full time artist, to taking on a new almost full-time day job. And I couldn’t be happier with my choice. Yey, I finally did the right thing after a long period of reflecting, making lists of pros and cons, dreaming, wondering what would happen if…

Be realistic
Dreaming big is sometimes easier said than done! Bucket lists, priority schemes, to-do-lists, mind maps, milestones, goal mapping, project management, WBS (work breakdown structure) and goal hierarchy are useful instruments to make sure you’re on the right track towards Your Dream.
Look for smart tools that help you in your process. There are loads of them out there. Or make your own. The trick is to have an overview, to watch your progress along the way.
The tricky part is to find your true dreams. And realize that they might change over time. Remember: Your dream is yours. No one else can take that away from you but yourself. So be aware of your inner critics, those insisting voices that want you to curl up in front of the telly or spend the evening scrolling on your smartphone.
Show up and focus
Whatever your dream is, make appointments with yourself, show up and do the work you have decided to do. Small steps every day is my way of working, it might not be yours. Try different things, do what you like.
– Make sure to have some fun along the way!
Remember to check in if you are focusing on what’s most important right now. If not, adjust your plan. But do not, I repeat; DO NOT spend all your time planning! Spend your energy on DOING whatever is necessary to get where you want.
Make sure to celebrate whenever there’s a reason to celebrate!
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a celebration to prepare: I’ve invited my husband to join me for a tiny drink in my messy studio! See ya later!

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