May Diary 24

I love this time of year. Spring is so beautiful with all its flowers and smells. People seem to get out of their winter shells and start smiling again. Is it just me, or do conversations flow more freely this time of year?

Spending time on the balcony is one of my favourite things to do and the bumblebees seem to love my balcony this year 🥰

bumblebee on my balcony

Art travel

At the beginning of May lucky me had the pleasure of traveling to beautiful SkÃ¥ne in the south of Sweden to join in on the celebration of the Bachelor Exhibition at Malmø Art Academy. We enjoyed four days of art, interesting conversations, nice company, good food and partying with the young art students. – What a joy!

enjoying beautiful days in Malmø

Work Life – Balance

When you know where you are, you know where you’re going!

I decided to dedicate most of this month’s leisure time to reading and hanging out with nice people and getting some mostly needed rest from my normal studio practice. A friend recently donated a stack of art books from her parent’s library and I’m so grateful.

my new stack of art books

May 17th

Constitution Day is my absolute favourite day of the year. I normally roam the streets in my traditional bunad, but this year both me and my hubby had to work. But we did enjoy a nice meal together.

Time for Gardening

The month of May also requires some gardening time to take care of the allotment, the flower beds and the balcony. Lucky me has a very nice little furry helper.

my furry little helper

Abstracting my garden

At the moment abstracting my garden is one of my favourite motifs when in the studio – here is a tiny glimpse bound for an exhibition in Texas, USA later this year.

abstracting my garden

Inspiring Summer Days in Oslo 

The beautiful city of Oslo gives lots of opportunities. Check out urban sauna life in the harbour, world class architecture in Bjørvika, pittoresque buildings in Damstredet and Telthusbakken, concerts, festivals, theater, opera, dance, take a stroll along the beautiful Akerselva river or chill out with a few hours of island hopping before enjoying a meal at one of the capital’s three star Michelin restaurants. Check out Visit Oslo
detail from Damstredet

Art in Oslo

I really enjoy going to exhibitions and Oslo has two of the biggest art museums in Europe showing wonderful exhibitions.

I highly recommend Trembling Earth and Horizons at MUNCH museum – and Rothko, Kandinsky, Bergman and Marakatt-Labba at the National Museum.

from Trembling Earth at MUNCH
Trembling Earth at MUNCH is a must this summer

Upcoming Art Drop

At the moment I’m selecting work for my upcoming Art Drop, so stay tuned for more info!