September Diary 24

Summer holidays sure went fast this year! I’m back at my dayjob again and feel the need for some real coffee. It is always a shock going back to work after three weeks of doing what you like most…

time for coffee

New projects

As you might remember from my previous blog post, last month didn’t turn out quite as expected…

Weather was not the best and my summer holidays turned out quite differently from what I was hoping for… Think this is the first time EVER that I didn’t swim or go to the beach. I hardly remember filling up my lunch basket with good stuff and go for walks with Mr. Cat… 

Weather was not the best and my summer holidays turned out quite differently from what I was hoping for… Think this is the first time EVER that I didn’t swim or go to the beach…

I hardly remember filling up my lunch basket with good stuff and going for walks with Mr. Cat… 

lunch in the local forrest

But my studio got a real makeover and I’m really happy how it turned out! I also had some nice studio time with Mr Art Cat and together we made some nice artwork…

Last month’s test paintings went pretty well, but I still don’t know if this project will be continued – because, truth be told, I think it was quite boring…

test paintings on my studio wall

New canvases in da house

Best thing this month was that I got some new 60×60 cm canvases to start. I have a plan, and I think they might go to a local group exhibition in November…

new canvases in da house

Group exhibit in Texas, USA

I’m so happy I got invited to this year’s international group exhibit PAE24 again. This year the exhibit is held at Millhouse Mackinney in Texas USA (21.september – 10.october) and is supporting female artists and entrepreneurs.

I truly believe that art can change the world for the better

my entry has arrived

That’s all for now, gotta work…