Summer of 22

Normally I think of July as one of the best months in the year with its summer holidays and slow living with family and friends. I for sure had been looking so much forward to hot summer days, lazy breakfasts with my cat, wonderful lunchbaskets and swimming in the nearby lake, hiking, bicycling, roaming the woods with my husband and spending warm evenings in my hammock reading interesting books after nice dinners with a glass of greek Retsina.

Sweet summer days
Sweet summer days

Forrest studio

This month I had made plans for bringing my large new paintings outside in the local woods in order to contemplate and try to bring in the energy from the old trees before the final stages in my pop-up forest studio. Also I was planning to bring my sketchbooks and some tools when revisiting some of my favourite secret places far far away. And I was supposed to prepare for an upcoming exhibition.


When life gives you lemons

Well, let’s say things turned out differently as Corona hit the house pretty bad. I hardly remember anything from the first 5 days of high fever and only bits and pieces from the next few weeks. All my energy was gone, my brain was more or less shut down and I slept 14-16 hours a day.

As you might have guessed, all my plans went down the drain. No painting, no recharging, no fun, no nothing. My husband and I could barely let the cat out.

They say: When life gives you a sour situation, make something good out of it, sweeten it up! This time I had no other choice but to surrender. I couldn’t beat that stubborn Covid-monster inside my body. 

So, let’s hope August will be better! Stay tuned!

when life gives you lemons, make lemodande!